1.) Naked people
2.) Killer spiders
3.) Psycho killers
4)...German Shepherds?
Yes. German Shepherds. At least I find MY German Shepherd sleeping in our bathtubs ALL the time. It is his new most favorite nap spot in the house. Weird? Maybe, but he tends to overheat and the bathtub is nice and cool. A perfect spot for my bull dozer, Moose.
Isn't he so sweet? I just love my animals.
Today I punched laziness in the face and got my run over before work. MUCH better for two reasons: I wasn't tired from work...and my husband was still at work (I always feel a little self conscious sweating and gasping and flinging my limbs all over the place aka running, when he is around). I FINALLY broke through my running wall and achieved a runner's high. Loooooved it. I did stop sooner than I wanted, I was hoping to get 4 miles in...but it wouldn't have left me enough time to eat and shower before work. And looking like a hot mess at work is not something I want to be.
That is hilarious that your dog sleeps in the bathtub!! Our Winston likes to sleep in potted plants?!?! LOL weird.