I had a friend post this and had to repost.
"FREE TO A GOOD HOME: 2 year old child. I've just got a new puppy so no longer have the time for the child. Also worried the child may bite the puppy. Child is crate trained and up to date on all shots. Needs home by tomorrow or it'll be put to sleep. Thanks! YOU WOULDN'T DO THIS TO A CHILD SO WHY DO YOU SEE IT AS ACCEPTABLE TO DO IT TO A DOG? If you can't dedicate 10-15yrs to a dog, DON'T GET ONE!!"
Some people just drive me crazy...as a *side* note: SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR DOGS! Unless your dog is actively making the breed better (health, is titled in something--show, shutzhund, SAR, herding), and you are willing to take LIFETIME responsibility for ALL the puppies you produce, you do not need to breed your dog!! I don't care how cute you think your dog is or how smart. Be responsible. Be your dog's best friend.
Yes!!! Thank you; totally agree.