Introducing my (first 3) favorite websites.
1.) Leerburg: This is the BEST dog site you can find. I have spent much of the past year exploring and studying different dog philosophies and this one is simply the best. Ed is amazing, their products are fantastic, their videos are THE BEST THING EVER, and every other dog information site is severely lacking. For any pet owner, or for the person who is soon to be a pet owner, there is so much useful information here. I cannot say enough about this website. Forget everything you have ever learned about dog behavior and training. Go here. Now.
2.) The Honest Kitchen: Dog food company. I wish they made human food...hah! They do! Technically...that still counts, right? All their food is human grade and is amazing. I love their products and I'm super excited to be getting some new teas in the mail in a week or so. Here is a food plug. Do you know what you are feeding your dog? Dog Chow, Purina, Science Diet, Eukanuba...all fillers. All crap. You need to read the labels! Your dog performs and puts out what you put in. When you feed cheap, low grade food you are feeding your dog the equivalent of fastfood trash. Feed your dog with love. The best foods out there? Blue (Wilderness), Taste of the Wild, and The Honest Kitchen. The worst part about the information we are fed on dog nutrition is we are being told by our Vet's to feed these awful foods. Why? Because they get a cut. That's right. They will tell you that switching to a holistic (remember to read to the labels!) food will cause too many problems in your dog (it will be too rich, dogs need corn ((eck!)), etc...) but your dog will in fact improve (skin allergies, weight issues, bowel issues, energy issues, immune disorders). It's pretty amazing to see a dog undergo this transformation. Anyways, one day when I am rich and money is no longer a concern, I will be feeding all my animals Honest Kitchen products.
3.) Antrhopologie. If I could live in this catalog I would.
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