Move over Snuggie and Pajama Jeans, there is new adult comfort wear on the block: The Forever Lazy.
We are glorifying this? Forever LAZY? Why can't we be something else? Forever Creative? Forever Inspiring? Forever Developing? But no, we Americans are Forever Lazy. I have quite a few problems with this.
1.) It's flattering on no one. Once you are 6 months there is no longer a need for you to be in a onesie.
2.) There are convenient pee and poop flaps. Because really, pulling off your pants to go to the bathroom is just too difficult and time consuming.
3.) Doesn't America have a problem with obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc.? Shouldn't we as American's be moving and eating better and not wearing onesies while we raid the fridge for TV snacks? Why are we encouraging this?
I don't see how anyone can support America or Capitalism or any of our great ideals when we support this kind of product. If you order one please stop reading my blog. I now have a headache. And will be going to bed kind of shamed.
Ewwww... that's rather disgusting.