Friday, October 14, 2011

Where have I been all my last three weeks?

WOW I have been neglectful to my blog. Someone should call protective services and get this blog a new blog master. I'm so sorry, I will try to be better about posting updates on my humdrum life.

  1. We have run out of food. SOS (save our stomachs, I know, clever): Meaning, I have not been partaking in my daily shakes. On one hand, I am thankful. No more vile green shakes. On the makes me really nervous for my first picture update on Monday...I wish my diet was still in line with my exercise. =(
  2. Moose ran through one of our metal sheets on our patio. Again.
  3. Moose ran into our wall...and made a dent. I think I'm seeing the beginning of a pattern. My dog needs glasses.
  4. I ran 5 miles a little over a week ago! Since then I have been running between 3-5 miles every other day(ish)!! I'm thinking this half marathon idea isn't so crazy any more.
  5. My hours have increased at work. Which is lovely to go from 0-15. Especially with the death of my laptop and Ken's car breaking down here and there. Life sure is fun. And expensive. Thanks for the hours working parents! Again, shouldn't we be using my hard earned dollars on more important things? Like wardrobe and shoes and books and workout gear and vacations?
  6. I have FINALLY crafted the opening to my story. I still have a ton of research to do. If anyone knows a good skazka or basnya to tell me, I would love to hear one! I'm looking for Russia's most famous, most AUTHENTIC folk/fairytale. And reading Cyrillic isn't a strong point of mine...actually reading Cyrillic isn't an ability of mine at the Russian websites with this information are hard for me to process. And my hubby is too busy playing pilot to translate. I think he has silly priorities.
  7. Speaking of my story, I have come up with a list of why writers are the craziest people you will ever meet.
    1. We have imaginary conversations in our heads all day.
    2. And all night. We lose sleep over said imaginary conversations.
    3. We eavesdrop on every one's conversations...not because we care who told who what or who did what or any of that...but how who told who what...we eavesdrop to pick up speech patterns and rhythms and flow and special little sayings. And no, we are not being rude, it's part of our job.
    4. We will spend YEARS on a basic idea, MONTHS on the opening paragraph, WEEKS on the opening sentance, and DAYS over the opening word. For a lot of us, writing one paragraph can be a huge success on most days. You cannot evaluate a writer's work based on how much they write. I figure a writer only writes 20% of the time...40% on formulating ideas and 40% on research. Of that 20% over half of it is editing. Gross.
    5. 90% of what we write, ideas and people we painstakingly craft into life, gets thrown away. And we start all over again.
    6. We are constantly at war. We love to read. The best writers are the best readers. Personally I find a love/hate relationship with books. I obviously cannot live without written word. I'm addicted to it, I admit it freely. But I also get crazy jealous over other writer's and their work. I love it, I envy it. I can't live without it.
    7. Imaginary characters are some of our bestfriends.
    8. We are more at home in our minds than in...anywhere else. If we aren't talking or activly listening, chances are we are lost somewhere in our heads working on that damn story again. Yes, even when we are surfing the web, when we are cooking dinner, when we are working out, when we are driving, when we are eating, when we are showering, when we are playing games, when we are working, when we are dreaming...even when we are blogging.
I'm sure other people can be equally crazy, but I have my doubts. Maybe the artists.

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