Monday, January 9, 2012

I swear I have the craziest sleep cycle.

Here I am sitting at my laptop (actually my husband's laptop since mine died) at 1:31 a.m. Am I tired? Nope. A little drowsy. Uhuh. In fact, I feel like I have my second wind...and closing in on my third wind. So what does this mean for me? means I will be pulling an all nighter to reset my internal clock.

You may be sitting there wondering if an all nighter is really necessary.

Let me put it this way:
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(Thanks, Pinterest, for all the fun fun fun images).

It is seriously true. So...that means sleep is everything thing to me...and an all nighter is not something I really love to do (unless I'm reading, of course), so yes it is necessary. If I don't pull an all nighter I won't get sleepy for another 1-2 hours (leaving me going to bed around 2:30-3:30) and by the time I get into a nice, deep will be late in the morning. And I won't want to roll out of bed until noon. And between noon and 2:00 (when I go to work) that leaves me little time to do anything. At all. And there goes my day and the next day will follow the same pattern...and there would go my week. Just saying.

Hello moon. Hello stars. Hello late night blogging. I may be a little sleepy tomorrow but that's okay. And I'll be ready to go to bed around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. tomorrow and the rest of my week will be right on schedule.

I saw this the other night and made Ken watch it. Why? Because I say about 75% of these things. Especially, "Hey, Ken? Will you do me a favor?"

As promised, here is my warmup and cool down.

Child's pose
Downward dog
Pedal heels (in downward dog, 8-10 times each side)
Downward dog
Downward dog
Runner's pose (back and forth, 8-10 times)
Downward dog
Pedal heels (in downward dog, 8-10 times each side)
Downward dog
Walking deadlifts (aka drinking bird, 10 reps)
Knee hugs (10 reps)
Groiners (20 reps)
Donkey kicks (10 reps)
Mountain climbers (20 inside, 20 outside)
Iron cross (10 reps)
Lunge matrix (2-10 reps per lunge type)
Leg swings (10 reps each side)
Lateral leg swings (10 reps each side)

Once I get on the treadmill I walk 5 minutes. During the run I try to maintain correct form and breathing techniques (which is awesome, because it gives me something to think about since I get bored easily on my treadmill. My lovely, lovely treadmill).

Cool down:
Downward dog (30 count)
Down to half bow pose (30 count)
Downward dog
Lift leg up to sky
Runner's stretch (w/back knee down, front leg extended)
Leg back up to sky
Step through to pigeon pose (30 count)
Go through and grab back foot (30 count)
Downaward dog
Repeat on opposite side for opposite side
END on a downward dog
Touch toes, right side, left side and straight
Touch toes standing
Standing, grab foot from behind and pull, both sides
ITB stretch with towel
Planter fascia stretch w/tennis ball
Glute ITB stretch

I know it seems like A LOT but it is so worth it to make sure you warm up and cool down correctly.

Not really sure how to do some of these moves? Well. Never fear. Just follow these videos IN ORDER and you will have my routine.

Warm up:

Cool down:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Preventing Injuries

So the biggest warning I get about streaking is to NOT injure myself. And I am really, really, really trying my hardest to NOT hurt myself with this...especially since I'm not just doing this for the Disney Half, but as a valuable and positive habit in my life. A lifelong love. So what do I do before, during, and after my runs?

I start up with some warms ups. My favorites right now are from Jason Fitzgerald at Strength Running. Here's the clip.

And here is the routine:
  1. Walking Deadlifts (Drinking Bird) – 10 reps.  Take a step forward with your left leg, bend down while keeping your left leg fairly straight and touch your left toes with both hands.  Keep your left leg slightly bent and your right leg parallel to the floor. Your right leg and your torso will be parallel to the floor.  Repeat on your other leg.
  2. Knee Hugs - 10 reps.
  3. Groiners – 20 reps.
  4. Donkey Kicks – 10 reps.
  5. Mountain Climbers – 20 reps with legs in, 20 reps with legs out.
  6. Iron Cross - 10 reps.
  7. Lunge Matrix - 2-10 reps per lunge type.
  8. Leg Swings - 10 reps.
  9. Lateral Leg Swings – 10 reps.
I then walk for about 5 minutes at a 3-4 mph pace. After this I'm ready to run!

So AFTER my run I walk another 5 minutes at a 3 mph rate to help cool my body down. And then that's where the real fun starts. The stretching. For like 20-30 minutes afterwards. I will run just to stretch. I love it. I'm addicted to it. Not only will I get a runner's high, I get a nice, loooong and leisurely stretch. LOVE. I will post a video of the various stretches I do in the next few days.

Enjoy your runs...and the stretching...oh, the stretching!
Things typically found in a shower:
1.) Naked people
2.) Killer spiders
3.) Psycho killers
4)...German Shepherds?

Yes. German Shepherds. At least I find MY German Shepherd sleeping in our bathtubs ALL the time. It is his new most favorite nap spot in the house. Weird? Maybe, but he tends to overheat and the bathtub is nice and cool. A perfect spot for my bull dozer, Moose.

Isn't he so sweet? I just love my animals.

Today I punched laziness in the face and got my run over before work. MUCH better for two reasons: I wasn't tired from work...and my husband was still at work (I always feel a little self conscious sweating and gasping and flinging my limbs all over the place aka running, when he is around). I FINALLY broke through my running wall and achieved a runner's high. Loooooved it. I did stop sooner than I wanted, I was hoping to get 4 miles in...but it wouldn't have left me enough time to eat and shower before work. And looking like a hot mess at work is not something I want to be.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Coral and Yellow and Greys!!

Why are some nights soooooooo much harder to complete a workout? I got on the treadmill and was barely able to crank out a mile. It was the hardest mile I've had in a long time. I think it's my thighs. They love each other way too much and they really need to stop all that touching. It's getting old. I can't wait to one day have legs that don't touch...I can't even think of a time where this was true for me. Even at my smallest I had hips and thighs. Nice.

I just see them as a great support for the rest of my body. Nice and strong.

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Besides running I've been obsessing over this BEAUTIFUL quilt.

This AMAZING quilt was made by the very talented Angela over at and you can check out her other work AND her shop at Raggedy Owl. (<----These pictures are NOT mine and I would love to pass on this amazing blog and talent to all my readers).

So this quilt has inspired me...I've always wanted to make a quilt and never really knew what KIND of quilt I wanted to make. I wanted to do something young and fresh and exciting...and this pretty much seems pefect. Thanks to my fantastic parents (who gave me a sewing machine for Christmas), making a quilt seems like a possibility now. My friend Kylie and I are going to each complete half of the quilt and put it all together...I think it will give it a nice random feel.

We are going to be using greys, corals, yellows, and creams. Here are some of the fabrics I really like!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I am now allowing anyone to leave a comment on my blog. <----This is for you, Grandma/Mom/Dad/Family members/Friends/Friends of family and friends!! =)

To random people: This is my blog. Mine, not your's. Mine. I will express my thoughts/feelings/opinions here. Feel free to read, feel free to leave. You can even feel free to leave comments. I love comments. What I don't love is hate. You don't have to agree with me, but please keep your comments respectful. If you can't do that make your own blog and spread whatever you want there. Just not here.


Yeah...I think I'm picking up habits from the kids at my work.




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The Virus is Spreading!

Okay, so I forgot to post this earlier (aka before the Holidays) but I am absolutly in LOVE with this sign (courtousy of

Lululemon...seriously, can I have one?

I have also found one of the coolest runs. In preperation for the zombies of 2012: Run for your lives!! It is advertised as a "zombie infested 5k obstacle race." Sign me up please? It looks like SOOO much fun!!

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Zombies not your thing? Worry not, I have found ANOTHER cool run (and it is offered in more locations...hint hint my Colorado readers).

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2012: Year of the Zombies

Happy New Year, I hope everyone had a FANTASTIC 2011!! I am really, really excited for 2012...I mean, we kind of have to be excited for 2012, right? It is our final year, after all. And I'm pretty sure it's all going to end with a zombie apocalypse. Because when you think end of the world/doomsday, zombies just kind of make sense.

I'm only kidding. I'm only hoping/wishing/holding my breath for zombies.

But enough about zombies, let's blog about resolutions. Did you make any for 2012? Did you see your 2011 resolutions through? Do you even believe in making resolutions?

I did NOT make any resolutions. At least...not really. I have a hard time with resolutions...especially the part of seeing them through. And it is this particular fault of mine which makes me dislike resolutions in general. For anyone. The most common resolution I hear about is to get healthy or lose weight and while I totally support a sleeker, healthier America (or World), I don't think health should be a whim. Health should be a personal commitment. A desire to be the best possible you. It needs to be a complete overhaul of how we view ourselves, our relationship with food and understanding where it comes from, how it effects our bodies…and weirdly enough, how our food effects our environment. Otherwise it is too easy to give up and discard.

I did not make any resolutions, but I did take up a new challenge which just so happened to coincide perfectly with the new year. For the past few months I’ve been eyeing the running streak challenge. Basically a running streak is when a person runs at least a mile every day and the challenge is to do it for a year (though there are running streaks that are 30 years and going strong…but for me, I’ll take it one year at a time…or one month at a time…one week at a time? Okay, one day at a time. Thank you very much.).

Because my running streak started on January 1st, 2012 it will be super easy to track and record. And you can now follow my miles with my newest tab “streaking”. It will list my miles completed for each day. So, not a resolution…per say…just a super easy way to log my streak.

Interested in streaking yourself? Check out the United States Running Streak Association. There are other members (for motivation) and tips (to help prevent injuries).

 Still not convinced?

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Also, this is week 3 of being Vegan. Do I feel deprived? Hahaha. No. I'm actually loving every minute...and every meal. And I realize it is super hard to convince people to be vegan when  presenting soooo many facts their brains can't process and hold all that instead, I'm just going to give one reason for every blog post.

Reason to go Vegan #1: The USFDA recognizes vegetarian and vegan diets as the healthiest diets.

Want to read ahead? Here are a few places to start (will post more):
2.) Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran

Afraid of being a lonely vegan/that person? I think you will be suprised at who is a vegan. Check out faces of veganism: