Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012: Year of the Zombies

Happy New Year, I hope everyone had a FANTASTIC 2011!! I am really, really excited for 2012...I mean, we kind of have to be excited for 2012, right? It is our final year, after all. And I'm pretty sure it's all going to end with a zombie apocalypse. Because when you think end of the world/doomsday, zombies just kind of make sense.

I'm only kidding. I'm only hoping/wishing/holding my breath for zombies.

But enough about zombies, let's blog about resolutions. Did you make any for 2012? Did you see your 2011 resolutions through? Do you even believe in making resolutions?

I did NOT make any resolutions. At least...not really. I have a hard time with resolutions...especially the part of seeing them through. And it is this particular fault of mine which makes me dislike resolutions in general. For anyone. The most common resolution I hear about is to get healthy or lose weight and while I totally support a sleeker, healthier America (or World), I don't think health should be a whim. Health should be a personal commitment. A desire to be the best possible you. It needs to be a complete overhaul of how we view ourselves, our relationship with food and understanding where it comes from, how it effects our bodies…and weirdly enough, how our food effects our environment. Otherwise it is too easy to give up and discard.

I did not make any resolutions, but I did take up a new challenge which just so happened to coincide perfectly with the new year. For the past few months I’ve been eyeing the running streak challenge. Basically a running streak is when a person runs at least a mile every day and the challenge is to do it for a year (though there are running streaks that are 30 years and going strong…but for me, I’ll take it one year at a time…or one month at a time…one week at a time? Okay, one day at a time. Thank you very much.).

Because my running streak started on January 1st, 2012 it will be super easy to track and record. And you can now follow my miles with my newest tab “streaking”. It will list my miles completed for each day. So, not a resolution…per say…just a super easy way to log my streak.

Interested in streaking yourself? Check out the United States Running Streak Association. There are other members (for motivation) and tips (to help prevent injuries).

 Still not convinced?

Pinned Image

Also, this is week 3 of being Vegan. Do I feel deprived? Hahaha. No. I'm actually loving every minute...and every meal. And I realize it is super hard to convince people to be vegan when  presenting soooo many facts their brains can't process and hold all that information...so instead, I'm just going to give one reason for every blog post.

Reason to go Vegan #1: The USFDA recognizes vegetarian and vegan diets as the healthiest diets.

Want to read ahead? Here are a few places to start (will post more):
2.) Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran

Afraid of being a lonely vegan/that person? I think you will be suprised at who is a vegan. Check out faces of veganism:


  1. I don't make resolutions. I used to... but it never worked for me. I guess it's just like if I want to do something, I'm going to do it. If I don't want to do it, then it just won't happen... not until I can get myself to actually wanting to. :)

  2. Exactly! A resolution should be something you truly care about and want to achieve...not something you do because everyone else is doing it.
