Here I am sitting at my laptop (actually my husband's laptop since mine died) at 1:31 a.m. Am I tired? Nope. A little drowsy. Uhuh. In fact, I feel like I have my second wind...and closing in on my third wind. So what does this mean for me? means I will be pulling an all nighter to reset my internal clock.
You may be sitting there wondering if an all nighter is really necessary.
Let me put it this way:

(Thanks, Pinterest, for all the fun fun fun images).
It is seriously true. So...that means sleep is everything thing to me...and an all nighter is not something I really love to do (unless I'm reading, of course), so yes it is necessary. If I don't pull an all nighter I won't get sleepy for another 1-2 hours (leaving me going to bed around 2:30-3:30) and by the time I get into a nice, deep will be late in the morning. And I won't want to roll out of bed until noon. And between noon and 2:00 (when I go to work) that leaves me little time to do anything. At all. And there goes my day and the next day will follow the same pattern...and there would go my week. Just saying.
Hello moon. Hello stars. Hello late night blogging. I may be a little sleepy tomorrow but that's okay. And I'll be ready to go to bed around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. tomorrow and the rest of my week will be right on schedule.
I saw this the other night and made Ken watch it. Why? Because I say about 75% of these things. Especially, "Hey, Ken? Will you do me a favor?"
As promised, here is my warmup and cool down.
Child's pose
Downward dog
Pedal heels (in downward dog, 8-10 times each side)
Downward dog
Downward dog
Runner's pose (back and forth, 8-10 times)
Downward dog
Pedal heels (in downward dog, 8-10 times each side)
Downward dog
Walking deadlifts (aka drinking bird, 10 reps)
Knee hugs (10 reps)
Groiners (20 reps)
Donkey kicks (10 reps)
Mountain climbers (20 inside, 20 outside)
Iron cross (10 reps)
Lunge matrix (2-10 reps per lunge type)
Leg swings (10 reps each side)
Lateral leg swings (10 reps each side)
Once I get on the treadmill I walk 5 minutes. During the run I try to maintain correct form and breathing techniques (which is awesome, because it gives me something to think about since I get bored easily on my treadmill. My lovely, lovely treadmill).
Cool down:
Downward dog (30 count)
Down to half bow pose (30 count)
Downward dog
Lift leg up to sky
Runner's stretch (w/back knee down, front leg extended)
Leg back up to sky
Step through to pigeon pose (30 count)
Go through and grab back foot (30 count)
Downaward dog
Repeat on opposite side for opposite side
END on a downward dog
Touch toes, right side, left side and straight
Touch toes standing
Standing, grab foot from behind and pull, both sides
ITB stretch with towel
Planter fascia stretch w/tennis ball
Glute ITB stretch
I know it seems like A LOT but it is so worth it to make sure you warm up and cool down correctly.
Not really sure how to do some of these moves? Well. Never fear. Just follow these videos IN ORDER and you will have my routine.
Warm up:
Cool down: